Green Chef is an organic meal kit delivery service that sends customers 3 printed recipes and all the organic ingredients they need to cook them.
As we evolved the design of our printed recipe cards we kept running into the limitations of the medium. Green Chef, at this point, still did not have a mobile app. We were then inspired to conceptualize a recipe app experience. (Spoiler Alert: We didn’t launch this but got far along the process)
We kicked off exploration with User Research.
These user interviews were centered around cooking from web recipes in general.
Recipe card design by Courtney Fone, Graphic Designer on my team.
Our user research informed our next iteration of the printed recipe card. Internally, we wanted to refresh the look to better align with our brand visuals, but more importantly we wanted to include some usability improvements and top requested items. Customers loved saving the cards for later but without measurements it was impossible to recreate, so we gave it to them; knowing it was a better brand move than withholding recipe secrets. We also wanted to save space and edit the content, but users told us they loved the storytelling, so we opted to minimize the photo instead. The zigzag layout made it difficult to follow the recipe, so we laid it into a single column with big numbers and bulleted each sub-step so customers could check steps off as they got to them. The end result was a cleaner design with more thought towards usability.
Still, due to the form factor we had to make certain compromises. There was more users wanted, and more we wanted to provide.
We used the customer journey map to remind ourselves where the user is in their journey
The app feature set included the ability to view your 3 recipes that week, a rich, multi-media step-by-step experience, and the ability to set cooking timers from within the copy.
Prototype walkthrough